Plexiglass, Plexyglas or Plexy-glass: how do you spell it?

Maybe you wrote this word in a thousand different ways: Plexiglas, Plexiglass, Plexy-glas, Plexi-glass, and again Plexi, Plex, Plexy.
In fact, although it is always pronounced the same way, writing “Plexiglas” is a little more complex.
First of all Plexiglas is one word, so forms such as Plexy-Glass or Plexi-glas are not correct, and indicates a plastic material formed from methyl methacrylate polymers (PMMA) and methacrylic acid ester.


Plexiglas® was first developed in 1928 and placed on the market from 1933 by the German industry Röhm.
For this reason, the original material must always be accompanied by the ® symbol, as it is a registered trademark.
Thanks to its properties, Plexiglas® can be used in many fields, especially as a valid alternative to glass.
Extraordinarily transparent, more so than glass, and in some types of shock proofing, this material is perfect for the manufacture of safety glass and similar items, in accident prevention devices, in furnishing or architectural objects in general.
Geprom has chosen the certified quality of Plexiglas® Röhm for its extraordinary ability to withstand shocks and wear, as well as for its ability to maintain transparency over time.

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The use of Plexiglas® has allowed Geprom to design and create practical and functional exhibition stands, with particular attention to design, which know how to make the most of the characteristics of flexibility, unbreakability, versatility, durable transparency and maximum light transmission of this material.