Internal production

Geprom, as well as selecting and using quality certified materials, as always entirely designs, develops and mounts its own models. This is a choice, which brings many advantages to those who choose display stands by Geprom.

First of all, thanks to the indoor engineering department, it is possible to conceive, design, engineer and produce custom-made display stands to satisfy the needs of any client.


Being a production, the technicians working in Geprom know the products in detail and are able to suggest the most suitable materials. In addition, they can explain accurately all technical aspects of the product and provide clients with clear information.


Another advantage arising from the internal production is the warehouse. Available at any time, this is always stocked with pieces to integrate with Geprom display systems.
Often clients buy display systems based on demands of the moment.
For example, a real estate or a travel agency dresses a window, but when business grows, the showcases need to be integrated.
What happens, meanwhile, if the model chosen earlier has gone out of production? Who can be contacted if the retailer or the importing company is no longer dealing with that particular model or material?
The solution would leave only two possibilities: or integrate the display stand with an additional one while the final aesthetic result would surely suffer, or change everything and face new additional expense.
However, these problems with display stands by Geprom do not exist: the company has always display stands in stock ready to integrate with previously supplied display systems.
But this is not all: selecting a producer like Geprom allows the client, at any time, to order spare parts which integrate perfectly with previous purchases.
With Geprom, display systems can grow together with the enterprise and its success.





Bollo made in italy scelto.indd