Food display stands according to regulations.

The issue of controls on FCMs: food contact materials and objects is a particularly current topic, especially in light of the latest developments in terms of regulations.
During 2017, LEGISLATIVE DECREE no. 29 of February 10, 2017 entered into force, sanctioning regulations for the violation of provisions referred to in Regulations (EC) no. 1935/2004, no. 1895/2005, no. 2023/2006, no. 282/2008, no. 450/2009 and no. 10/2011, regarding materials and objects intended to come into contact with food products and foodstuffs (FCMs).

For the first time, the decree establishes specific sanctions for the obligations provided for by EU regulations.
The Legislative Decree is aimed at regulating the production and circulation of materials and objects for Food Contact, but despite this strict provision, there are still non-standard FCMs on the market, made with toxic materials, produced in non-European countries.
Geprom, which has always been at the forefront of the use of compliant materials, has prepared each phase of its production chain to respond to the indications of the LEGISLATIVE DECREE of February 10, 2017 and invites its customers to choose products that comply with current regulations and are therefore safe.

Geprom complies in all its aspects with current regulations: from registration in a special register in ATS (former ASL) to the use of certified and compliant materials, from the provision of a specific manual, to the presentation of a traceability system for the product placed on the market, as well as a labelling system according to  the methods indicated in the legislation.
Following scrupulously every indication of the reference legislation,  Geprom produces PCBL and PCS display stands produced with Plexiglas® certified for food use, to guarantee greater safety and high quality.

In addition to the products in the catalogue (Sweet Dispenser in PCBL, (Silo Sweet Dispenser in PCS) and corner Expo-Sweet) Geprom is equipped with the technology and experience necessary to also develop customised containers suitable for contact with foods such as candies, cereals, coffee capsules, confetti, chocolates and nuts.